Our Professional Painting Services in the Milwaukee North Shore Area
Residential Painting
Over the past several years, we have been bringing quality painting services and materials to our clients in and around Milwaukee, WI. At AJ Painting Contractors, we know the painting business and work hard to deliver quality preparation, power washing, painting, and many other services, including light repairs, while working at your home or business. We offer superior interior and exterior painting with full preparation and cleanup to care for each of our jobs. Let us take on your painting projects with adept painters, accomplished craftsmen, and superior customer care.
Continue Reading...Commercial Painting
Put our experience with painting, light drywall repair jobs, and related projects to work on your next home repair or improvement project. We have experience with a variety of tasks and projects and will help make sure the job is done right. We are dedicated to providing quality craftsmanship and materials while working efficiently to complete the job quickly and save you time and money. If you're looking for a proficient painter to handle your next painting project, contact AJ Painting Contractors and put us to work for you.
Continue Reading...Exterior Painting
The exterior of your home or business provides the first impression about you that your neighbors or potential clients receive. Make it a good one with a quality exterior finish from AJ Painting Contractors. We can help restore the curb appeal of your home or business and give your guests the right impression from the start.
Continue Reading...Interior Painting
We work hard to minimize disruption to your daily activities and protect your property during the entire painting process. When painting the interior of your home or business, we take care to work around fixtures, furniture, and equipment within the space while we work – saving you time and effort. When we’re done, we make sure your space is clean and will be ready for you and your family, employees, or customers with minimal effort on your part.
Continue Reading...AJ Painting Contractors Service Area
AJ Painting Contractors is proud to service the Milwaukee, WI area. With our expertise and cutting-edge painting techniques, we restore homes and businesses to their proper glory. From interior painting to exterior painting, residential, or commercial, our skilled team delivers exceptional results, ensuring customer satisfaction at every step.
With a commitment to professionalism and prompt service, AJ Painting Contractors are your premier painting experts. Contact us today for a seamless painting experience that exceeds your expectations.
- Bayside
- Brookfield
- Brown Deer
- Cedarburg
- Cudahy
- Elm Grove
- Fox Point
- Germantown
- Glendale
- Grafton
- Greendale
- Lannon
- Menomonee Falls
- Mequon
- Milwaukee
- River Hills
- Saint Francis
- Shorewood
- Wauwatosa
- Whitefish Bay